EZ Start...Why Sell Cleaning Products?

We Make Cleaning Easy!

Kleenco, Four Generations a Family Company!

Every specialty retailer is facing the challenge of remaining relevant in a marketplace that is increasingly dominated by internet shopping.

The Washington Post (owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame) published an article entitled How brick-and-mortar stores can survive the Internet shopping craze. The full article can be found at How Brick and Mortar Stores Can Survive.

The article points out that Amazon knows that there is value in having a brick and mortar presence. However, the average brick and mortar must change. The stores must create a “in-store experience” that’s more than a place to find a deal on the latest vacuum or carpet cleaner. Quoting from that article necessary elements include:


• Knowledgeable, professional and courteous employees who will do everything to ensure customer satisfaction (Nordstrom and Apple do this well)

• Conduct continuous customer research to always better understand what prospective consumers will be searching for

• A pleasant store environment and ambiance that is soothing and inviting to the customer’s senses

• Warranties and guarantees that leave no doubt in the consumer’s mind that this is the place to do business

• Irresistible and creative in-store displays that attract the consumer

• An integrated e-commerce, online marketing approach within the storefront architecture so that all shoppers will get the “best of all worlds.”


No one vendor is going to have all the answers. What the vacuum retailer must do is decide which vendors have the piece of the puzzle that will fit your marketing approach. Which vendor will provide your staff with the knowledge that will give your customers the satisfaction they crave. Does your vendor have the instore displays that will attract your customers attention and do they offer an internet presence that will direct interested consumers to your website and your physical location?

Kleenco firmly believes that a vacuum store does not sell vacuums. If you boil down the reason why your customer is in your store you’ll realize his or her motivation is very basic. Whether they came in to get their vacuum repaired, serviced or to get a belt, bag or filter. They are all seeking one thing. A clean carpet or floor.

So what the vacuum store is really selling is a clean floor. Knowing this fact presents an opportunity to the vacuum store an opportunity to set themselves apart from every other brick and mortar that sells vacuums. You have the opportunity to not only capture your customers attention you have the opportunity to have a long term, loyal customer that buys not only durable goods and repair services but one who buys consumables from you that will have them in your store time and time again.

Think about the value of that kind of customer relationship. Everytime that customer is in your store you have the ability to strengthen his or her bond with your store. You have the ability to continuous customer research. You can with the right training position your store as the place to go to satisfy their need for a clean home. With the right product line you can make the impression on your customer that leaves no doubt in their mind that your store is the place to do business when they are looking for products that will clean their home.

Ask yourself how does my store approach the business of clean? Does it say this store is unique? Do I sell professional cleaning products? Or do I sell the same products that the big box store has or products that are easily purchased online for same price or lower price than I can buy them from the wholesaler?

Does my store have a complete line. One that can solve any cleaning problem or do I carry a spotter and odor remover but little else.

Do I and my staff have access to training materials that will continuously update our cleaning expertise so we can show the customer we have the ability to solve all their cleaning problems to their complete satisfaction?

Will the inventory at your store make your customer a lifetime customer with all benefits that brings. Or will he be a one off vacuum sell that will do nothing more for you in the future.

If you want to get serious about the business of clean, Kleenco has the product line, attention grabbing product displays, product training and web presence that will help you build more customers that you will see…more often!




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